Saturday, September 01, 2007

Travel in style

The last two months at work have had me flying all over the continental U.S. and you would think that by now I would be the savvy traveller who has it all put together. Well, I'm not. I still overpack/underpack, forget the liquid limitations, and my carry-on is not equipped with the essentials. As I am about to go through the security checkpoint I always worry about my toiletry bag - "pleeaaaase don't take my ____" I hum to myself. It's not like I haven't looked around for travel-sized products. Believe me I have. I've scoured the drugstores by my house and at the airport but come up only with toothpaste or random shampoo. But what I really want is one complete set - hair wash, body wash, moisturizer, etc. Finally, my search has come to an end. I can now look like the stylish, jet-setting woman I've always aspired to be. I no longer have to use the hotel samples. I've got my own, thanks. Fly Away Kit from $20

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