Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm Back! Plus, New Items on Etsy

It's been a while since I posted anything on this blog.  Okay like 3 years to be exact! A lot has happened and I should fill you in on what's been going on over here. But to do that entirely would make this a really long, long post. 
So to catch you up in the short version: I got married, had a baby (she's now 2yrs) and left my full-time job, became a stay-at-home mom, and now work full-time again as a freelance/contract mobile assistant. 
Whew! I believe that brings us up to current day. 
Part of my kick to get back into blogging also stirred up my desire to update my Etsy listings. Now that my regular "day job" has settled down a bit, I can take the time to put some focus on my jewelry. In fact, this weekend I've got a photography session for new items scheduled! Can't wait to get those posted on the Etsy shop too. 

This is a necklace that I made a while back and sold on Etsy. It's such a classic piece to me that I decided to renew it. If you missed out, now's your chance to own it for yourself (or give as a gift!)
Wouldn't this look great paired with white linen pants or chic white dress?!

Well it feels good to be back and I'll try to not wait so long to post again.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Inspired to Work: My dream workspace

Clean & Chic Office
Clean & Chic Office

I love the look of white in furniture. Some may think it's too bland or boring but with the addition of color (carefully applied) can make a room look very chic. And it can lend to different designs - Parisien, scandinavian, modern, and comtemporary. I was thinking of how I want my future office to look when I selected these items. I specifically chose all white for the furniture (except chair) and decided that the accessories would be full of color. When I am working on a project I tend leave my desk in a state, so white is perfect because it's streamlined and "clean" even when my office is not. Plus even colored pencils will look like a piece of art against the white.

Simple and chic, don't you think?

Beadboard Smart Desk, Sun Valley Honey $999.00 -
Rose Pop Chandelier, Iron Frame w/ Stems of Pink Rosebuds $129.99 -
Display-It Two-Shelf Bookcase, Sun Valley White $299.00 -
Make It Your Own System, Mirror, White $99.00 -
IKEA Kitchen Islands and Tables $490.00 -
Dutch By Design:Furniturerange /Dining Chair Green @
Art by
Dutch By Design:Accessoriesrange /Flat Flower Dahli @

Friday, May 01, 2009

Sleeping In

Camilla Engman's dog, Morran, as he sleeps in.

I'm sick as a dog. Today is Day 3 of my "quarantine." Wednesday morning I went to the doctor because I felt horrible and thought I could have the flu. Don't worry, though. They cleared me from having to get swabbed for the Swine Flu aka H1N1. Although I was told that I have to stay indoors for five days and if I absolutely have to go outside my little bedroom I must wear a mask. So, the farthest I've ventured is the the bathroom which is like 30 feet from my bed. The worst part about being sick and stuck indoors is that I don't even have the energy to do anything. Today is the first day that I actually feel like reading let alone writing a blog post. Hopefully that's a good sign that I'm getting better! :)

{photo: Camilla Engman}

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flickr Fixx: Katja Loves Pretty Things

Umbrella by maedchenmitherz / Katja loves pretty things

Everyone needs a shower of appreciation now and then. Here's to all of my family, friends, and lovely readers out there for the wonderful support! Just like this umbrella you come through when it gets ugly out.

{photo: maedchenmitherz}

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Color your world

colorful jars by maedchenmitherz.
Some of my favorite things are in small packages. These cute little jars filled with colorful seed beads are no exception. Life is about the details and all the wonderful and small things that make it special.

{photo: maedchenmitherz}

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday's Fifteen Minute Break

{via flickr}

Have a seat and take a break. I'm starting a new weekly series called 15 minute break. In these "fifteen minutes" I'm going to share some cool links with you. I'll cover everything from cool artists, photography, shopping or helpful resources. But no matter, it will be refreshing, relaxing and a stress free zone. So sit back and read on...

1. Craft Hacker - An insider's guide about craft hacking
2. Eleanor Harwick - awesome photography by a 15 year old in England
3. Indie Parade blog - photoblog of awesome things created by independent crafters and designers
4. The Blog Frog - Do you write a blog? Then you'll want to check out this site for cool widgets.
5. Banana Split Brownies - a delicious recipe by Kelly of

...come back next week for more cool links :)